
two Ferrets kits (10 weeks)

Ferrets as pets are the third most preferred animal in the United States, with dogs being first, and cats being second. In fact, of all of the possible pets out there in the world, Ferrets top the list at number three. There must be good reasons why so many people want to keep ferrets as pets, but what are they? First, ferrets are extremely cute. They always seem to be smiling. They are warm, soft, and cuddly, and come in beautiful colors and patterns. Second, they are more social than cats, and more interesting than most dogs. Ferrets can easily be litter trained, so you don’t have to worry about them staining the carpets. Training a ferret takes just a few days, where training a dog takes several weeks in most cases. Ferrets are surprisingly clean animals, despite the fact that some people believe that they are messy and smelly. They are only smelly if they are not de-scented, which can be done at the same time that they are spayed or neutered. As for being messy, they groom themselves just like cats do. You only need to bath them once a month or so.Unlike dogs and cats, who get less playful and ‘fun’ as they age, ferrets remain playful their entire lives. In fact, they practically live to play – it is a very large part of their lives, no matter how old they get. Ferrets make great pets for anyone who is allergic to dogs, cats, or pet dander. Ferrets don’t produce any dander at all. They do shed twice a year, but they don’t shed nearly as much as a cat or dog does. Ferrets are known as the ‘hypo-allergenic’ pet. Aside from being playful, ferrets are also fascinating. During their waking hours, they are constantly on the move. They are extremely curious, and want to check out everything that they can get close to. They are also very interested in people. A pet ferret makes a great companion, because they will follow you anywhere you go in your home, just to watch what you are doing – and sometimes to lend their own special brand of a ‘helping’ hand. Unlike cats, ferrets do not have to be de-clawed. However, they will need their nails trimmed from time to time. They do not mark territory by urinating, spraying, or scratching. They do not have the chewing problem that puppies have, although they do like to chew on rubber items. This is easily solved by buying them rubber based baby chew toys. But before you rush out and adopt a ferret, there are many things that you must consider. First, if you have young children in the home, a ferret probably is not the pet to get. It isn’t that a ferret would be a danger to the child – the problem is that the young child might be a danger to the ferret.

Ferrets as pets are not cheap.

Like other animals, they require food, water, and toys, but a ferret will also require a large cage, because you will want to cage it for its own safety when you are not home, and possibly even while you are sleeping. Because ferrets have so much energy, a small cage won’t do. You need a multi-level cage, which costs anywhere from $150 to $200 or more.

Ferrets require the services of a veterinarian.

They will need a general check-up twice a year, as well as vaccinations once each year. Ferrets are also prone to certain illnesses – and injuries – and may also require emergency services. The vet bills can really start piling up, and you need to be aware of this, and prepared for it, before you get a pet ferret. Be a responsible person, and make sure that you can afford the cost of caring for a ferret before you get one. Also, learn how to tell the difference between a healthy ferret and an unhealthy ferret before you set out to adopt one.

Ferrets as pets require lots of time and attention.

They are not suitable for people who are rarely home, or people who don’t have the time to play with them. They are extremely energetic creatures, and very sociable. Without interaction from you, they will not be happy pets. Ferrets are often like toddlers – and they get into everything. You must ferret proof your home so that the ferret is safe. They investigate everything, and try to carry things to their hidey-holes in their mouths. Like a child, they may swallow small objects, and household cleaners and other chemicals are dangerous to them. Before you get a ferret, you will need to make your home as ferret-safe as possible. Make sure cabinets where dangerous chemicals and such are not accessible. Ferrets are very smart, and can open cabinets and drawers if they are not secured. If you do not have small children, you can afford the veterinarian bills, and you have enough time and love to give a pet, a ferret makes an ideal pet. They are furry and loveable. They will love you unconditionally. A ferret is neither like a cat nor like a dog. They do however, fall somewhere between the two when it comes to love and loyalty. A ferret will never be as obedient as a dog – and never as aloof as a cat. They do their own thing, and are happy to include you when you ask – and will ask for you to include them as well in the things that you do. If you are considering a pet, you really should consider a ferret, along with a cat and a dog. Find out as much as you can about ferrets and what they require first, however, because often, ferrets require more care than either cats or dogs. There is nothing more entertaining however, than having a warm, cuddly ball of energy in your home!